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Firewall Audit: Checklist

Firewall Security Concept

Your firewall is the first line of defence between your computer systems and public networks, so it makes sense to conduct rigorous firewall audits regularly. Furthermore, if you have an environment with firewall solutions from multiple vendors with different rules, you need a standardized checklist to fulfil your firewall configuration audit according to government regulations […]

Firewall Operations Management

The modern technology security ecosystem consists of multiple firewall solutions ranging from traditional gateways to next-generation firewalls, all offered by different vendors. With such an array of firewall options, managing different rules and configurations can become more complicated without proper management. Additionally, managing firewall security in a hybrid environment has become a complex and nuanced […]

The Importance of a Vulnerability Assessment

Every day, cybercriminals scan the web for vulnerabilities to bypass and collect data from organisations and use it for malicious intentions. According to a study published by Statista, 18,325 security vulnerabilities were identified in 2020, the highest number reported to date. Such alarming figures are why companies cannot afford to delay conducting a vulnerability assessment […]

Vulnerability Scanning – Protect your Business Against Cyber Criminals

Vulnerability Scanning

Organizations increasingly depend on computer networks, cloud computing, and data to run their enterprises. As a result, they need to continuously identify and mitigate loopholes within these shared networks that attackers can exploit.  On any given day, cybercriminals hack into 30,000 websites globally, while 64% of businesses worldwide experience some form of cyber attack. Such alarming statistics […]

Spear Phishing Attacks – Do You Know What to Look For?

Figures in a research paper conducted by Trend Micro indicates that 91% of cyber-attacks and subsequent data breaches began with a spear phishing email. In 2020, some 66% of organizations worldwide suffered a spear phishing attack. What is Spear Phishing? Spear phishing is a form of cyber-attack in which the perpetrator uses email or other […]

IT Risk Management Best Practices in 2022

Risk Management in IT

The recent COVID-19 has accelerated digital transformation across all sectors by several years. Such a fast and dramatic shift in how companies operate and serve their customers is bound to expose organizations to unforeseen threats and potential data breaches.  Many businesses now rely on cloud services to manage distributed teams, develop applications and deploy solutions. Reliance on […]

Network Access Control

Network Access Control

IT systems routinely play host to sensitive information, intellectual property, and vital applications in any business, big or small. So the need for access control methods in computer networks is critical for safeguarding this data and ensuring its security. The process of policing access to private or corporate networks is known as Network Access Control […]